By order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 2576-л of 27 December, 1965, Yuri Efimovich Danilov, Chief Sanitary Doctor of the USSR, Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR, was transferred to scientific work as a Director of the Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy. It was Professor Y.E. Danilov who managed to complete the creation of a coherent structure of the domestic sanatorium and spa complex, establishing close cooperation between the main research centre and specialized institutions throughout the Soviet Union. In this connection, the Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour in 1973 for its merits in the development of the health resort branch of science and in the training of personnel.
Like all Muscovites at that time, Yuri Yefimovich loved countryside skiing trips. One of his main places of active recreation was Odintsovsky district near the ancient Moscow suburban village of Yudino, located in a green coniferous forest 29 km west of the centre of Moscow, where by a happy accident he discovered a spring with mineral water. Stories of local residents about the healing properties of this spring and a full chemical analysis of the water composition, conducted in the laboratory of the Institute, confirmed his thoughts that it is necessary to build a fully-fledged health resort on this site.
In 1972 two artesian wells were drilled: one with drinking mineral water (total mineralization 4.08 g/l) to a depth of 410 m, the other with salt brine (total mineralization 95.65 g/l) to a depth of 950 m.
In 1978, the final decision was made to build a country clinic in the village of Yudino, but for a number of reasons, construction continued for 10 years and was completed only in 1988.
Andrei Georgiyevich Yavarovsky became the first chief physician of the rehabilitation complex of the All-Union Scientific Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, as it was then called (1988-1990). Under him, the physiotherapy and balneological departments opened their doors first, and one year later two somatic departments and a functional diagnostics department were opened.
Later, the next chief physician of the rehabilitation complex Amons Valery Yuzefovich (1990-1997) added mud therapy to the balneological department and opened neurological and musculoskeletal departments.
Thanks to the activity of the chief physician Vyacheslav Borisovich Lyubovtsev (1997-2010), the rehabilitation complex in the village of Yudino began to meet the modern standards of rehabilitation centres. Each structural unit began to use the latest developments in the field of medical rehabilitation and physical therapy, and comprehensive programmes of differentiated application of non-drug treatment methods and wellness technologies were introduced.
From 2010 to 2016, the rehabilitation complex of the Federal State Institution "Russian Scientific Centre for Rehabilitation Medicine and Balneology" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia was headed by Aleksey Andreyevich Polunin, Ph.D. (Medicine). During this period, the complex became the main base for research work in the field of medical rehabilitation. According to the results of scientific research conducted by the staff of the complex, 6 Ph.D. theses were defended, 7 new medical technologies were approved for application and adoption by the Ministry of Health of Russia, 6 patents for invention were obtained, 16 new methods of non-drug treatment of common diseases were developed.
On 01.06.2016 “Yudino” Treatment and Rehabilitation Clinical Centre acquired the status of a branch, first of “Russian Scientific Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, and in 2017 a branch of “National Medical Research Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology” of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
As of today, “Yudino” Treatment and Rehabilitation Clinical Centre - a branch of “National Medical Research Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Acting Director - A.D. Fesyun) is the main rehabilitation base of the National Centre, consisting of an 8-storey residential building (300 beds) connected by a gallery to the swimming pool, balneotherapy facilities, mud therapy unit, physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation departments.
“Yudino” Treatment and Rehabilitation Clinical Centre provides patients with specialized medical care focused on "medical rehabilitation" within the framework of the compulsory health insurance system. This means that any citizen of the Russian Federation can undergo a course of medical rehabilitation free of charge, provided they have a referral from their attending physician.
Medical rehabilitation programmes are directly carried out in three areas: For patients with dysfunction of the central nervous system (ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes, consequences of spinal and craniocerebral trauma, conditions after brain and spinal surgeries), peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis of large joints, rheumatoid arthritis, conditions after endoprosthetics, arthroscopic interventions, surgical treatment of fractures of bones and capsulo-ligamentous structures of limb joints), and with somatic diseases (cardiac rehabilitation, oncological rehabilitation, compression fractures of the spine against the background of osteoporosis, consequences of coronovirus infection). All rehabilitation programmes are provided as part of the 2nd stage of medical rehabilitation.
Patients are offered single and double accommodation in wards overlooking a pine forest near Moscow, four meals a day, an individual drinking regime of mineral water and a motor regime, including walks (terrainkur). Every day, including Sundays, the centre's leading specialists hold health school classes, film therapy sessions, and group discussions with psychologists.
According to Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 788н of July 31, 2020 "On Approval of the Procedure for Organising Medical Rehabilitation of Adults", the centre is equipped with the most modern rehabilitation equipment, ranging from robotic biomechanical complexes with biofeedback to unique domestic developments of exoskeletons.
Individual medical rehabilitation programmes for patients are developed by members of multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams, including, in addition to clinical specialists (general practitioners, neurologists, cardiologists, traumatologists), physicians in physical and rehabilitation medicine, clinical psychologists, rehabilitation nurses and others. If necessary, reflexology, manual therapy and osteopathy procedures are included in the rehabilitation complex.
During the entire rehabilitation period, it is the multidisciplinary teams that carry out dynamic monitoring of patients using modern methods of assessing the effectiveness of treatment. All this allows us to achieve significant results in the most difficult and sometimes hopeless situations.
An essential part of rehabilitation programmes offered in "Yudino" treatment and rehabilitation clinical centre is the use of natural therapeutic factors: hydrokinesotherapy in mineral water (brine), heat therapy using mud from Tambukan Lake and naphthalan.
Under the guidance of researchers of FSBI “NMRC RB” the country clinic “Yudino” also performs scientific topics on clinical testing of new methods of medical rehabilitation and sanatorium and spa treatment. Educational cycles are regularly held here to improve the qualifications of the centre's staff, which indicates the continuous improvement of work and extending the range of provided medical services.
Despite the fact that the centre provides rehabilitation to citizens of almost all regions of the Russian Federation, it has become a real centre of attraction for the residents of Moscow Region, every year drawing into its orbit more and more people who need medical rehabilitation and restoration of a full quality of life.
In the year of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Russia's flagship institution for sanatorium and spa treatment, "Yudino" Treatment and Rehabilitation Clinical Centre is marking only its 33rd anniversary. However, it is today, as never before, that the centre is ready and fully equipped to perform its research and clinical tasks and their practical implementation “for the benefit of people, for the benefit of health!”