Preparation for medical examination

General information
To ensure that the result of the analysis was reliable and informative, the patient should strictly follow the rules of preparation for the examination and submission of biological material.

Effects of various factors on laboratory results:

  • Physiological patterns ( effects of race, sex, age, constitution, nature and amount of habitual activity, nutrition);
  • Environmental effects (climate, geomagnetic factors, time of year and day, composition of water and soil in the habitat area, social and living environment);
  • Exposure to occupational and household toxicants (alcohol, nicotine, drugs) and iatrogenic effects (diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, medications);
  • Sample collection conditions (food intake, physical activity, body position, stress during sample collection, etc.).
Clinical tests

General clinical blood tests

The purpose of the examination is to objectively evaluate your health status.

You should prepare yourself for this test by refraining from physical activity, taking alcohol and medicines, and dietary changes for 24 hours before the blood draw. You should not eat after dinner, go to bed the night before at your usual time and get up at least one hour before the blood draw. Refrain from smoking after getting up in the morning. If you have difficulty in cancelling your medication during the preparation for the test, please inform your attending physician about it.

Biochemical tests

Blood examination by biochemical methods allows the clinician to make a judgement about the patient's condition and promptly detect changes in protein, nitrogen, carbohydrate, pigment and lipid metabolism. Enzyme activity in serum and electrolyte balance.

It is essential to fast for 12-14 hours before undergoing a biochemical examination. The nurse will collect your blood from 9 to 9:30 a.m. from the ulnar vein with a short tourniquet application.

Urine examination

For general urinalysis, the entire urine sample is collected in the morning fasting immediately after sleep (preferably, the previous urination should have been no later than 2 a.m.) in a dry, clean bowl, with free urination. Before collecting the urine, perform a thorough cleansing of the external genitalia. On the eve of the test is not recommended to eat fruits and vegetables that can change the colour of the urine (beetroot, carrots, etc.), do not take diuretics. Women should take the test 2-3 days after menstruation. Urine should be collected immediately in a container in which it will be delivered to the laboratory. Urine from a vessel, a bed-pan and a pot must not be collected.


Preparation for ultrasonography of abdominal organs

  • Three days before the test it is necessary to exclude from the diet black bread, milk, peas, beans, cabbage, fresh vegetables, onions, garlic, fruit, sweet foods and carbonated drinks;
  • One day before the test, take 2 capsules of Espumisan (80 mg simethicone) 3 times a day;
  • On the morning of the test day, take 2 capsules of Espumesan without drinking water;
  • It is necessary to come for the ultrasound scan on an empty stomach.

Ultrasonography of superficial structures (thyroid gland, mammary glands, lymph nodes, soft tissues, scrotum); bone system (joints, tendons, ligaments)

No preparation is required. You just need to bring a towel.

Ultrasonography of the bladder and prostate gland

It is required to drink about a litre of normal water 1 hour before the examination

Ultrasonography of the lesser pelvis (gynaecological examination with a vaginal probe)

It is necessary to evacuate the bowels the day before with a laxative or enema.

Examination of the cardiovascular system, the vascular system of the upper and lower extremities

No preparation required

Functional examination methods

Preparation for electrocardiography

Despite frequent claims that it is not necessary to prepare for an electrocardiographic study (ECG) and the study can be performed on the day of the appointment, experienced cardiologists recommend that you treat the procedure seriously and undergo a proper training.

The point of an ECG is to assess the performance of the heart muscle under normal conditions. This means that you should not be nervous or tired during the test. Therefore, you should get a good night's sleep before the ECG and avoid physical activity in the morning.

You should also avoid overloading your stomach. It is best to do an ECG on an empty stomach. If the procedure is performed after lunch, eat a light breakfast, but not later than two hours before the procedure. On the day of the procedure, you should reduce fluid intake, as excess fluid in the body can affect the heart muscle.

Coffee, any strong tea and energy drinks should never be consumed on the day of the procedure. Caffeine stimulates increased cardiac activity and therefore the ECG results will be biased.

Take a shower in the morning before the procedure, but avoid the use of greasy and oily lotions and creams. These substances create a thin film that impairs the contact of the electrodes with the skin.

15-20 minutes before the procedure you should sit quietly, relax and restore your breathing.

The examination is performed in the supine position. To perform the examination, the patient exposes the shins and removes clothing above the waist. To make the procedure more comfortable, wear comfortable clothing that can be quickly removed or unbuttoned at the chest.

Preparation for the Holter electrocardiography study

You should take a shower before the examination, as this will not be possible during the monitoring period.

Remove all metal jewelry, and clothing should also be free of metal items.

Your clothes should be loose, not synthetic. The sleeves should be loose, not tight, when monitoring the blood pressure.

Electrodes are placed directly on the skin, so the areas where they are attached should be free of hair, men will need to shave their chest in these areas.

Inform the doctor about the medicines that are prescribed for daily administration.

If there are results of previously performed ECGs, they should be shown to the doctor.

Preparation for 24-hour blood pressure monitoring

You should take a shower before the examination, as this will not be possible during the monitoring.

All metal jewelry should be removed and clothing should be free of metal elements.

Your clothes should be loose, not synthetic. The sleeves of the clothes should be loose, not tight.

Inform the doctor about the medicines that are prescribed for daily administration.