Hospitalization procedure

Documents for hospitalization

List of mandatory documents to be submitted to the selection panel for hospitalization "Yudino" treatment and rehabilitation clinical centre — a branch of “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia

  1. Form 057/u referral (approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 22.11.2004 No. 255), drawn up by the attending physician on the form of a medical institution, written legibly OR in printed form, certified by the personal signature of the attending physician, the seal of the referring medical institution and containing the following information:
    • name of the medical institution to which the patient is being referred for medical care;
    • patient's full name, date of birth, home address;
    • insurance policy number and name of the insurance company;
    • ICD-10 code of the principal diagnosis;
    • profile of specialized medical care indicated to the patient and the conditions of its provision (inpatient, day hospital).

    When transferring from a medical facility, the discharge summary must state that the patient is being referred for a medical rehabilitation to "Yudino" TRCC, admission is on the day of discharge or the next day;

  2. Compulsory medical insurance policy + copy;
  3. Passport + copy;
  4. Personal insurance policy number/SNILS + copy;
  5. Extract from medical records, not older than six months, containing the diagnosis of the main and concomitant diseases (conditions), diagnosis code according to ICD-10, information on the state of health, diagnostic and therapeutic measures taken, description of the patient's status upon discharge, and recommendations for further treatment;
  6. ECG (film) (not older than one month at the time of consultation) (can be taken on a fee basis on the day of hospitalization);
  7. Results of general (clinical) blood test, general urine test, blood glucose level (not older than one month on the day of the consultation);
  8. Results of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C tests (not older than three months on the day of the consultation);
  9. For women - data of a consultation with a gynaecologist with a diagnosis (not older than one month).
    For men - data of a consultation with a urologist with a diagnosis, PSA (not older than one month)
    (can be carried out on a fee basis on the day of hospitalization);
  10. X-ray (fluorography) of the lungs within one year (can be performed for a fee on the day of hospitalization;
  11. Opinion of a dermatologist (if examined by a specialist not more than one month ago) (can be performed for a fee on the day of hospitalization);
  12. In case of continued temporary disability, a temporary disability leave issued prior to admission to "Yudino" treatment and rehabilitation clinical centre;
  13. COVID-19 (RNA (SARS-CoV-2, PCR) smear, qualitative test is recommended (not older than 3 days, a rapid test can be performed for a fee on the day of hospitalization);
  14. Certificate from a polyclinic confirming absence of contact with infectious diseases;
  15. Measles vaccination certificate or measles antibody certificate.

When sending documents to the e-mail address, please provide a contact phone number. Please note that the documents will not be forwarded to the medical panel without your phone number.

You can send your documents to the following e-mail address: for consideration by the selection panel, or bring them to the Centre during the working hours of the medical panel.

Working hours of the selection panel:

Monday - Friday, 11:00 - 13:00
By appointment - room 202.

Please note that hospitalization is not possible in the absence of a complete and correct package of documents.

In addition, if necessary and at the request of the selection panel, patients provide the results of examinations related to the profile of the disease:

  • · endocrinological - thyroid gland ultrasonography (performed not more than six months ago), hormonal profile (not more than six months old), for patients with diabetes - measurement of glycosylated haemoglobin (not older than three months), consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • cardiovascular - echocardiography, daily ECG monitoring protocol, Doppler ultrasound of lower limb vessels, coagulogram (fibrinogen, prothrombin index, APTT, thrombin time, INR, D-dimer), lipidogram (total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, HDL, triacylglycerol);
  • pulmonological - radiographs or chest X-ray data;
  • gastroenterological - results of esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy (if applicable), abdominal ultrasound, biochemical tests;
  • musculoskeletal system - results of biochemical tests, X-ray images (X-ray examination should not be older than one year);
  • neurological - for patients after acute disorders of cerebral circulation: Doppler ultrasound of the main arteries of the head, duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries, coagulogram (fibrinogen, prothrombin index, APTT, thrombin time, INR, D-dimer), lipidogram (total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, HDL, triacylglycerol), MRT and CT of the brain, electroencephalography with the duration of studies not more than one month; for patients after craniocerebral trauma — results of MRT, CT of the brain, electroencephalography performed not more than one month ago; for patients with vertebrogenic diseases - radiological examination, CT, MRT to verify the diagnosis; in case of cervical pathology - ultrasound of the thyroid gland; in case of lumbar pathology - ultrasound of the kidneys; in case of concomitant varicose vein disease - Doppler ultrasound of the veins of the lower limbs.
Common indications for hospitalization

The department of medical rehabilitation of patients with CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DYSFUNCTION focuses on medical rehabilitation in the following areas:

Rehabilitation of patients after:

  • Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (ICD codes: I69.3, I69.1)
  • Craniocerebral trauma (ICD codes: T90.5, S06.2)
  • Neurosurgical operations on the brain, spinal cord and spine (ICD codes: D33, M96.8).

Under the Programme of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens, FSBI ‘’NMRC RB‘’ of the Ministry of Health of Russia, within the established scope, provides high-tech health care (hereinafter HHC) in the field of neurology (neurorehabilitation after stroke and craniocerebral injuries with impaired motor and cognitive functions).

The department of medical rehabilitation of patients with SOMATIC DISEASES focuses on medical rehabilitation in the following areas:

Conditions after heart and major vessels surgeries:

  • Angina pectoris (ICD codes: I20.8);
  • Hypertensive (hypertensive) disease with predominant cardiac involvement (ICD codes: I11.9);
  • Conditions following surgical interventions on the heart, aorta and large vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Conditions after invasive treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders (pacemaker implantation, ICD, conditions after radiofrequency catheter ablation);

Coronary heart disease:

  • myocardial infarction (ICD codes: I21, I22, I25.1, I25.2), not earlier than 14 days after the acute event;

The department of medical rehabilitation of patients with PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DYSFUNCTION focuses on medical rehabilitation in the following areas:

Musculoskeletal system disorders:

  • Following joint endoprosthetics (hip, knee, shoulder and other joints), at all stages of treatment;
  • Following the surgical stabilization of fractures of the upper and/or lower limb bones, pelvic fractures at all stages of treatment (ICD codes: T92.1, T92.2, T93.1, T93.2, T93.3, T93.8, T93.9);
  • Following arthroscopic surgeries of large joints at all stages of treatment;
  • Lumbar and other intervertebral disc lesions with radiculopathy (ICD codes: M51.1);
  • Following orthopaedic surgeries (corrective osteotomy of the femur and/or tibia with Ilizarov apparatus or plate fixation, reconstructive surgeries on the feet and hands);
  • Osteoarthritis of large joints (post-traumatic and deforming), meniscus damage of knee joints, shoulder rotators (ICD codes: M16.4, M16.5, M17.2, M17.3, M19);
  • Lumbago with sciatica. (ICD codes: M54.4);
  • Consequence of spinal fractures (condition after surgical or conservative treatment) (ICD codes: T91.1);

Peripheral nervous system dysfunction:

  • Post-traumatic peripheral nerve injuries of the upper or lower limb (conditions after surgical or conservative treatment);
  • After spinal surgeries (removal of intervertebral hernias, reconstructive surgeries with transpedicular fixation and other surgeries) (ICD codes: M96.1.).

Contraindications to referral for rehabilitation treatment:

  • Circulatory insufficiency stage II B and above;
  • Conditions equivalent to Functional Class IV (angina pectoris of low physical exertion and rest);
  • Prognostically unfavorable heart rhythm and conduction disorders (paroxysms of atrial fibrillation and flutter occurring more than twice a month; paroxysmal tachycardia with the frequency of attacks more than twice a month; ventricular extrasystoles of high grades - polytopic and group; atrioventricular blockages higher than stage II;
  • Grade III arterial hypertension, symptomatic hypertension with malignant course;
  • Chronic cardiac aneurysm with circulatory insufficiency above stage IIa;
  • Recurrent thromboembolic complications;
  • All diseases in the acute period and decompensation stage;
  • Epilepsy, frequent syncopal conditions.
Rules and terms of hospitalization

In order to hospitalize patients for medical rehabilitation, a package of documents must be submitted (see section “Documents for hospitalization”).

A package of documents is submitted to the Selection Panel, either by e-mail:, or to the registration desk of "Yudino" treatment and rehabilitation clinical centre. Please be aware that, in the absence of a complete and correct package of documents, the patient may not be able to be hospitalized.

We kindly request that you provide a contact phone number when sending documents to the email address. Please, note that if you do not provide a phone number, the documents will not be forwarded to the selection panel.

  • The received documents are sent to a specialist physician according to the profile of the disease. Having studied the submitted documents, the medical specialist gives a conclusion on the presence (absence) of medical indications and contraindications for referring the patient for hospitalisation and sends the documents to the selection panel;

  • The selection panel reviews the documents and makes a collegial decision;

  • If there are co-morbidities that complicate the decision for hospitalization, there may be a need for further investigations and requesting additional results of the examination;

  • Once the selection panel has reached a decision, we will contact you by telephone or email within 10 days.

In case of a rejection, citizens with contraindications are given a medical opinion signed by the chairman of the Selection Panel and bearing the seal of the institution.

In case of a positive decision of the Selection Panel, the patient is invited for hospitalization within 30 days after signing the minutes.

Upon admission, the patient is examined by a general practitioner who has the right to refuse hospitalization in the following cases:

  1. Increase in body temperature above 37,5 C;
  2. Presence of signs of alcohol or drug intoxication;
  3. The presence of concomitant diseases at the stage of exacerbation, which require specialized care that is not within the field of primary activity of "Yudino" treatment and rehabilitation clinical centre;
  4. Presence of signs of mental disorder.
  1. All diseases in the acute period;
  2. All diseases in the decompensation stage;
  3. Signs of progression of the underlying disease;
  4. Cachexia (exhaustion of the body);
  5. Fever of unclear genesis;
  6. Syncope (fainting) of unclear genesis;
  7. Mental disorders and diseases without a certificate from a psychiatrist;
  8. Epilepsy and episyndromes;
  9. Alcohol, drug addiction;
  10. Mental deficiency (dementia) without the possibility of follow-up;
  11. Bleeding (nasal, haemorrhoidal, uterine, etc.);
  12. Oncological diseases and others.