Mud therapy is one of the methods of treatment of various diseases, which is based on the use of muds of mineral and organic origin.

"Yudino" treatment and rehabilitation clinical centre use mud from from Lake Medvezhye in Kurgan region. The reason for the undying interest in supplying this particular mud is its high mineralisation and its effectiveness in treating many diseases.

Lake Medvezhye belongs to the mainland lakes, salt-saturated, low-sulphide, silt with therapeutic mud. Sludge-sulphide mud - has a black colour and a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulphide due to the content of sulphides (hydrogen sulphide and sulphurous iron compounds) and water-soluble salts, is particularly soft and plastic, which makes it easy to apply it to any skin area and stays on it for the whole period of the procedure.

The mud is a valuable therapeutic factor and is superior in quality to the mud and brine of the Dead Sea. The mud is recognized by experts as ‘strong’, with mineralization up to 350 g/l. Therefore, the methods developed and used in our Research Centre for rehabilitation and balneology may differ from other standard methods.

Therapeutic effects: Anti-inflammatory (anti-edemic, reparative-regulatory); Metabolic; Trophic; Immunomodulating; Defibrotic; Bactericidal; Biostimulating; Sedative; Coagulating; Keratolytic.


  • Diseases: Musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • Gynaecological (infertility);
  • Urological diseases;
  • Digestive tract diseases;
  • Skin diseases;
  • It has: analgesic effect, promotes healing of skin and bone tissue;
  • It has: resolving effect, cleanses the skin, improves peripheral blood circulation, increases immunity.

Two weeks of mud application (baths or applications) - pain in the joints and muscle aches go away, internal organs and glands of internal secretion begin to work properly.

Counterindications: Period of acute respiratory viral infections; exacerbation of chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis), joints, kidneys; Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory insufficiency of II - III degree; Pneumonia, bronchial asthma with frequent attacks.

Mud can be used: in cosmetological procedures (face masks, hair masks). In combination with diadynamic current, sinusoidal modulated currents, electro-mudpuncture developed by I.L. Pshetakovsky in 1996; Electro-mud stimulation.

We invite everyone to visit our mud therapy centre.

It is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist before the procedure.

Our medical specialists will advise on how to organise the procedure correctly, prescribe a course and determine its duration.