Magnet therapy in Odintsovo is a treatment based on the influence of a low frequency magnetic alternating field on the human body as a whole or a specific part of it.

Magnet therapy is one of the physiotherapeutic methods in which the body is affected by a magnetic field. The physical characteristics of the field are constant, alternating, pulsed, pulsating, rotating or ‘running’. This is a gentle method that does not have an aggressive effect on the body, so it can be used even in children. The treatment area can cover different parts of the body.

Magnetic field has several effects on the human body at the same time, so the indications are wide. For example, vessel constriction, catabolism of complex molecules, improvement of lymph drainage, activation of tissue nutrition, optimisation of blood coagulation, reduction of blood pressure occur simultaneously.

The action of the magnetic field is universal; it results in a change in the general adaptation response.

Main effects of magnet therapy:

  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • reparative (promotes tissue repair);
  • anti-edemic;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulant;
  • sedative.

A distinctive feature is the ability to target tissues that lie deep beneath the skin surface.

Indications for magnet therapy

Given the complex effect on the body, magnet therapy is successfully used in the following pathological conditions:

  • poorly healing septic wounds;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • burns;
  • phlebitis and thrombophlebitis;
  • vessel and nerve injuries of diabetic nature;
  • blood vessels dystonia;
  • respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma;
  • urogenital disorders;
  • digestive diseases;
  • movement disorders, including the effects of trauma, dystrophies and degenerations;
  • ENT lesions;
  • periodontal and dento-facial system diseases.

Therapy is also possible for somatic diseases.


Magnet therapy sessions have counterindications:

  • bleeding and increased bleeding according to laboratory tests;
  • aortic (saccular) aneurysm;
  • persistently low blood pressure;
  • cardiac stimulator;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant tumours;
  • recent stroke or other acute cerebral blood flow disorder;
  • acute or recent myocardial infarction.

It is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist before the procedure.

Our medical specialists will advise on how to organise the procedure correctly, prescribe a course and determine its duration.